Golden Vista Farm

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A Word on Preservatives

Well hey there! I wanted to give you guys a little heads up that you will be seeing a few changes in my diy bodycare products recipes in the future. I’ve been taking a class on natural skincare through the School of Natural Skincare which is teaching me so much!! I’m learning how to really create my own formulations, learning all about amazing ingredients to add, proper ratios of certain ingredients and so much more! I’m getting so pumped to begin creating even more and higher quality recipes for you guys. There is a whole world of awesomeness out there just waiting to be made!!

One of the huge topics I’ve been learning about is how important proper preservation is for recipes that include water. Mold, bacteria, and yeast easily grow in wet environments, so if not preserved properly any of those nasties can and will grow in your products. If you want to make and use your products within a week or so, adding a preservative isn’t mandatory. But, if you’re like me, and don’t have time to be crafting new batches every week, then preservatives are a lifesaver.

I’ve just dipped my toe in this new world, so bear with me as I take some time to learn more, experiment, and update any beauty recipes with water in them. Recipes that contain only fats and oils do not need a preservative because the mold, bacteria, and yeasts cannot grow in them. However, they will eventually grow rancid so using an antioxidant such as vitamin e can help increase their shelf life.

I will continue to share my findings with you, update the recipes already on the blog, create even better recipes, talk more about types of preservatives and which are my favorite, and lots more good stuff, so stay tuned! If you’re curious about any particular aspect of at home beauty and body care, let me know in the comments and I’ll try and address it.

Where to learn more

As I said, I’m still learning myself, so to get you started here are some fabulous resources I’ve found super helpful!

  • Learn about 3 great natural preservative here.

  • This lady is brilliant and wrote a fabulous article about the importance of using preservatives, plus she talks about many of the more popular types of natural preservatives available. It’s a great read!

  • This lady is also extremely intelligent and has an impressive list of preservatives for you to peruse.

  • She also wrote a wonderful article on common myths and misconceptions about preservatives.

Where to buy natural preservatives

Now on to the fun stuff! Here are a few of the places I have purchased preservatives from. I’m still playing with them but will share my favorites with you soon!

Hope that helps get you started with preservatives! I’d love to know if you are new to using them, or if you already have a favorite natural preservative. Drop it in the comments!