Golden Vista Farm

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Tropical Guava Whipped Body Butter

Mmm mm hello beach here I come!

I wish. But at least I can pretend that I’m on the beach when I apply this luxurious tropical smelling whipped body butter. Yea guys, I’m telling you, it’s decadent. So if you’re ready to get in the beachy mood, let’s get started!

What is whipped body butter?

If you’ve never made a whipped body butter before let me share it’s awesomeness with you. Plain ol’ body butter is super thick, creamy, and dense. It’s meant to seriously lock in the moisture and hydrate the skin. It’s perfect during the long winter months when our skin is more apt to dry out. The whipped version of body butter is just that—it’s body butter that’s been whipped using a hand blender which adds air into the butter. This makes it lighter, fluffier and even more decadent than traditional body butter. You’re going to love it!

How to make whipped body butter

The ingredients are actually pretty simple. And the ratios can be used to make all kinds of body butters. We will be using a 2 part ratio of a “hard” butter (like shea or mango) to a 1 part ratio of oil such as avocado, sunflower, or in our case, guava seed! Essential oils are optional, but definitely add some amazing scent.

Like I said, to get the insanely awesome tropical smell, we are going to be using guava seed oil. This is a new one for me that I splurged on awhile back because I just had to try it out. I have not been disappointed! I got mine from Eden’s Garden, but I’m sure there are other places to buy it. More on guava seed oil at the end of the post. Let’s get to the recipe!



1) Measure out your shea butter by weight and place it in a double boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler like me, then place it in a glass jar and set the jar in a pot with about 2 or so inches of water. Set your pot on the stove and turn it to low.

2) As the water heats up it will start to melt the shea butter. Stir it occasionally as it melts. You can possibly turn the heat to medium low if it’s taking forever but be careful not to overheat it. Shea butter is very sensitive to heat and if it gets too hot your final product will be grainy.

3) As the shea butter is melting, go ahead and measure out the guava seed oil also by weight.

4) Once the shea butter has completely melted, remove it from the heat and carefully pour the butter into a small bowl. Be careful that you don’t drip any water into the bowl.

5) Pour in the guava seed oil and stir to combine the two.

6) Now you will place this combo in the fridge for awhile until the mixture starts to thicken. I would check on it every 10 minutes or so and stir it so it cools evenly. Mine took about 25 minutes to get to the right thickness. (Kinda like frosting thick.)

7) Add in the essential oils and whip everything together with a hand blender. It will start to turn pale which is great. After mixing it for maybe 30 seconds or so, go ahead and let it harden again on the counter for a bit.

8) I like to whip it for a little bit, then let it harden for awhile, and whip it again. This will build up your body butter to get nice and fluffy. It eventually turns white and looks like a lovely buttercream frosting.

9) When you feel it’s been whipped enough, go ahead and plop it into a glass jar with a lid. Because there is no water in this recipe, it does not need a preservative.

10) That’s all there is to it! Now enjoy your lovely luscious body butter.

Tips and tricks

  • Don’t forget to heat the shea butter gently and on low to medium low heat. It will become grainy if it’s heated too hot. It also likes to be cooled relatively quickly, so placing it in the fridge can be a good idea.

  • Of course you can change the essential oil combo if you wish. :)

  • Citrus oils are photo-toxic if you’re using pressed peel and not distilled. So PLEASE do not lather yourself with this before heading out in the sun! This is a great winter body butter because (at least in Montana) my body will be covered with pants and long sleeves so my skin won’t exposed to the sun. If you live in Florida, you probably will only want to apply this at night.

  • This body butter is a bit greasy, so don’t sit on your bed right after applying it. Wanna know how I know? ;) It will absorb eventually, but that’s the beauty of body butter—it locks in the moisture.

  • And speaking of moisture, putting this on after a shower while your skin is still wet is a great idea to lock in even more moisture. This also works great for feet and elbows and any other rough skin.

More about the ingredients

Shea butter

Shea butter is a superb moisturizer. It helps to smooth the skin by boosting its natural production of collagen. This can help reduce wrinkles and also softens and nourishes the skin. Shea butter does actually have a small amount of natural sun protection in it. It’s hard to say exactly how much, but somewhere around a 6 SPF seems to be the consensus.

Guava seed oil

Guava seed oil is a light non-greasy oil which absorbs easily and is great for all skin types even sensitive skin. It is full of antioxidants which help fight free radicals and the signs of aging skin. It also helps improve the skins elasticity and is said to help tone and tighten the skin.

Citrus essential oils

Citrus oils are well known to be mood-boosting and also energy boosting. They work well as uplifting and rejuvenating oils. They are also full of antioxidants that help fight free radicals and the sign of aging skin.

Where to purchase the ingredients

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If you are unable to grow your own herbs, or find ingredients locally, then here are two of my favorite places to buy bulk ingredients:

·        Starwest Botanicals

·        Mountain Rose Herbs

Now hop to it and make yourself some tropical-paradise-in-a-bottle! ;)